Getting out of the rat race

This blog will serve as a tracking of my path towards financial success.

Monday, December 18, 2006

List of Liabilities

A list of my liabilities (Current 12/18/2006)

Car & Renters Insurance: 0.096 mths of income
Providian Credit Card: 0.181
American Express Card: 0.205
Prosper Loan: 0.277
USAA Credit Card: 0.332
Macys Credit Card: 0.608
Quicken Credit Card: 1.259
USAA Personal Loan: 1.322
College Loan B: 5.172
Taxable Investment Account # 1 Margin: 5.522
College Loan A: 8.329
Taxable Investment Account 2: 13.420

Total Liabilities: 36.723 mths of income (or 3.060 years)

Immediate Plans: My immediate goal is to eliminate all of my credit card debt. It just doesn't make sense to pay an unreasonable amount of interest on debt when I have the goal of financial success. I have already liquidated some of my assets in order to pay down some of the debt but I'm also interested in paying down this debt through my hard work...not through the liquidation of assets.

Until next time,

Edit: Removed account values and replaced with representation of mths of income.


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