Getting out of the rat race

This blog will serve as a tracking of my path towards financial success.

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Budget - Fixed Expenses

Now, I'm going to factor in all of my fixed expenses...that is, expenses that I can project with reasonable accuracy over a period of at least one year.

Remaining Income to account for= [Income (100% of income)] - [Taxes and Pre-tax deductions(8.12%+17.66%)]-[Savings(4.51%)] = 69.70% of income left to account for.

Renters Insurance: 0.10%
Booksfree (is like netflicks for books): 0.32%
Netflicks: 0.38%
Pet Insurance: 0.45%
Pet Training: 0.45%
Prosper Loan: 0.72%
Providian Credit Card: 1.13%
Pet Food: 1.35%
Quicken Credit Card: 1.69%
Gym Membership: 1.80%
Car Insurance : 1.98%
Cell Phone: 2.03%
USAA Credit Card: 2.59%
USAA Personal Loan: 3.16%
Misc Expenses (Cash withdrawl): 3.91%
Food: 4.51%
College Loan A: 5.86%
College Loan B: 6.54%
Rent: 18.04%

Total Fixed Costs = 39.06%

Remaining Income to account for= [Income (100% of income)] - [Taxes and Pre-tax deductions(8.12%+17.66%)]-[Savings(4.51%)]-[Fixed Costs (39.09%)] = 30.61% of income left to account for.

Until next time,

Edit: I decided not to include dollar amounts and instead include figures as a percentage of monthly income.


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